Thursday, May 29, 2008

New Car

Here is my new car. I'm excited to get rid of my truck and finally get something with some decent gas mileage! It is an Infinity G35 2005.


car crazy said...

looks like it cost a few dollars. settling back into the single life, huh.

paulcolemissions said...

Yeah, I think its about time. All my friends and family have started trying to hook me up so it seems everyone else has moved on. I probably couldn't justify it if I were the one that had left but since I was the leaveee and had no control over that, I'm ready to get back out there. It is only a few more weeks away before everything is over so the single life has become something to look forward to.

car crazy said...

it's unfortunate that none of your friends and family value marriage enough to wait until yours is over instead of encouraging you to commit ADULTERY as defined by biblical terms.

paulcolemissions said...

What's REALLY sad and unfortunate is a family that changes thier biblical view to justify a wife leaving her husband so that they don't have to feel bad for her divorcing him. As far as my family/friends they all know I'm not going to do anything until it's over and they've respected that and agree with that. They just want to see me with a quality girl who loves me rather than pretends.

paulcolemissions said...

I guess I wanted to add one more thought. I would have done anything in the world to save my marriage and to not have my son grow up in a broken home. That was including never talking to my blood family ever again, giving up the ministry, and spending everyday in counseling for the rest of my life, but that for some reason still wasn't enough. The bible has been thrown around alot when it suited Jodi's need but when it came to scripture and the sacrament of marriage it's funny how scripture isn't used. I can walk away confident knowing that I did ALL THAT I COULD to save my marriage and for some reason that still doesn't make it better for me. I've cried more nights than there have been moons over this and I've come to realize it's because I had true sacrifice and love in my heart and a commitment to God that I would never break. I realized to walk away feeling happy or with no guilt or no since of responsibilty for ones actions is the true tradgedy because it shows the exact opposite of what God stands for and that is a heart that breaks for his people when they hurt and when they break a covenant with him. I will always hurt over this situation so please don't feel like it's something that I've gotten over. I've had to force myself to get on with my life and more than 80 hrs of counseling to realize that it's ok for me to get on with what God has called me to do. My heart also breaks for my son on a daily basis because he is now the one who will be dealing with this tradgedy for the rest of his life and I would do anything in the world for him to not have to experience any of the pain that I have felt over the past 1 1/2 yr. So rather than focusing your energy on me maybe you could focus your energy on praying for my son.

the me you don't know said...

did YOU not file for divorce yourself? So why act like the martyr here? Also, who cares if you are never talking to your "blood family" again if you are treating your wife the way you have been with all of those crazy emails!?!?!? you have not been trying to work out your situation and it is crazy that you are still trying to act like you have.

As for praying for your son... that is always needed and good. But not pray for him because Jodi is caring for him. You know that he is well taken care of and loved very much. There may be a lot you dont like about Jodi but you do know that she is a good mother and is taking great care of him. Might I also say that she speaks much better of you than I ever would! You should try to speak a little more positively about her. Work on being a bit more civil for your son's sake- he needs you to.

If you want to bring the bible into this conversation... how about Revelations 21:8... where do liars go? You see, you can't blame Jodi for leaving you and file divorce papers at the same time. Just doesn't make you very credible.

Wilsons said...

to whoever car crazy and the me you don't know is:

I find it funny how you state none of his friends value family marriage...yet we are the ones who are married after nine years. It would have been easier of course to walk away sometimes but we do believe in our marriage and it takes both to make it work. From our point of view he did everything he knew how to do on his part but you can only candycoat a turd for so long. So try and from now on leaving his friends out of things and try using your effort to better uses.

Jodi said...

Okay, guys - I don't mean to interfere, but let's keep it clean! Paul has done a really wonderful thing in creating this blog to celebrate and share JUDAH'S life, so let's hold it to a higher standard, alright? I want him to be able to show him this someday!

Hi Kenny and Lynelle! Nice to see you and the girls again! :)

Wilsons said...

Paul has done a wonderful if not excellent thing in creating this blog to share and "include" people in Judah's life. He sets a great and loving example!!! We can't wait to see him!!!

Kenny and Lynelle

paulcolemissions said...

Now, please don't comment on crazy e-mails until you have read all of Jodi's. I have read all the e-mails from both sides, I know Paul and he put in more effort trying to make this work then any other man ever would have. I think he is an absolutely wonderful man!

paulcolemissions said...

I'm commenting on Pauls because he's in LA workin on Ozzie Ozborns house. ~Jessica~

paulcolemissions said...

I guess I wanted to add my two cents into this conversation. I guess I'm just wondering why you've titled yourself as "the me you don't know" but for some reason act like you know me better than I do myself? I think next time instead of calling yourself "car crazy" you might just want to leave off the "car". Try and learn some facts before you act like you know what you're talking about.